Login Department of communication, FGU
Name | 何欣容 HO HSIN JUNG |
Office Tel No. | 23715 |
Research Expertise | 廣告研究、性別傳播、媒體研究、互動與質化研究 |
Discussion Forum | 0 |
Job Title | Associate Professor |
Current Course |
CN22500 性別與傳播(Gender & Communication) CN23000 公關企劃與策略(Public Relations Planning and Strategy) CT02100 創意與科技產業概論(Introduction of Creative and Technological Industries) CT02402 溝通與簡報技巧(Communication and Briefing Skills) |
Research Expertise | 廣告研究、性別傳播、媒體研究、互動與質化研究 |
Current Course |
CN22500 性別與傳播(Gender & Communication) CN23000 公關企劃與策略(Public Relations Planning and Strategy) CT02100 創意與科技產業概論(Introduction of Creative and Technological Industries) CT02402 溝通與簡報技巧(Communication and Briefing Skills) |
Year | Paper Title |
2024 | 何欣容, 高評估為電視機構言談-分析生活風格談話節目影像與視覺意義, 亞洲廣電與新媒體研究, 43, pp. 63-117, May. 2024 |
2021 | 何欣容, 積極情感展示作為自我陳述策略-比較不同國家女性Instagram自拍, 中國廣告學刊, 26, pp. 67-91, Mar. 2021 |
2018 | 何欣容, 自我觸碰更性感?重探Erving Goffman檢視20年雜誌廣告之身體動作、身體展示與性別意涵, 傳播文化, 17, Nov. 2018 |
2012 | 何欣容, Reasons for Calling Doctor: Visualizing Callers’ Multi-unit Turns and Filming Television Call-ins as Institutional Interaction, Journalism & Mass Communication, vol. 2, 11, Nov. 2012 |
Year | Paper Title |
2025 | 何欣容, Gaze as an interactional resource for organizing instructional sequence in video-mediated environments of online Yoga courses, 19th International Pragmatics Conference, Jun. 22-27, 2025 |
2024 | 何欣容, Repetition and embodied resources for guiding bodily movements in online Yoga classes, 7th International Symposium on Chinese Language & Discourse (ISCLD-7):New Directions in Chinese Language Research: Structure and Use, Jul. 30-Aug. 02, 2024 |
2022 | 何欣容, 遠端更正身體動作:Google Meet 線上運動課程教練、網紅與學員互動分析, 重構口語傳播公共性:當前公共政策溝通與法律語藝之追探, May. 27, 2022, 台灣 |
2018 | 何欣容, 美妝廣告使用性訴求內容分析─ 以 1998-2017 年之台灣廣告為例, 第11屆傳播與發展學術研討會, May. 24, 2018, 台灣 |
2018 | 何欣容, 從Goffman性別廣告理論檢視美妝廣告的女性撫觸, 第11屆傳播與發展學術研討會, May. 24, 2018, 宜蘭佛光大學 |
2015 | 何欣容、曾秀萍, 從Goffman的性別廣告理論檢視雜誌類型與產品廣告呈現之女性性別角色, 中華傳播學術研討會, Jul. 03, 2015, 高雄: 義守大學 |
2015 | 周書萱, 何欣容, 廣告的性別刻板印象─鏡頭呈現的主角景別、後製以及性別角色, 傳播與發展研討會, May. 01, 2015, 宜蘭:佛光大學 |
2012 | 何欣容, A PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION OF VIRTUAL EXPERIENCE OF CULTURAL ARTIFACT IN VIRTUAL REALITY AND AUGMENTED REALITY, The Seventh IASTED International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI 2012), May. 01, 2012, Baltimore, USA |
2011 | 何欣容, 構成直播電視的「接收者設計」特質:以客家現場Call-in接聽為例, 民國百年傳播與發展學術研討會, May. 20, 2011, 宜蘭佛光大學 |
2011 | 何欣容, Multi-unit turn as linguistic resource for filming call-in episodes on Hakka television, International Communication Association Conference, May. 01, 2011, Boston, U.S. |
2010 | 何欣容, Managing affect in talk-in-interaction: An analysis of audience experience with television baseball, International Communication Association, Jun. 26, 2010, Singapore |
2010 | 何欣容, Fieldwork in Multiple Languages: Issues of Interpretation and Representation, International Communication Association, Jun. 24, 2010, Singapore |
2009 | 何欣容, 沒有科技的失寵兒」: 非線性剪接即是體現, 傳播與科技研討會, Oct. 15, 2009, 新竹交通大學傳播研究所 |
2003 | 何欣容, Sequential patterning as social process: a single case analysis of reporting political speech and political discussion in a Chinese community, National Communication Association, Nov. 01, 2003, Miami Beach, U.S.A |
Year | Book Title |
2009 | 何欣容, MULTIMODALITY IN MISE-EN-SCÈNE COMMUNICATION : Research on Language and Social Interaction in Scenographic Settings, Germany: VDM Verlag Publishing, Oct. 2009 |
Country | School Name | Department | Degree | Duration |
university of texas at austin | communication studies 博士 | 博士 | 2001.08 ~ 2007.08 | |
university of texas at austin | communication studies 碩士 | 碩士 | 1999.08 ~ 2002.05 | |
成功大學 | 外國語文學系 學士 | 學士 | 1993.09 ~ 1996.05 |
Experience Category | Organization Title | Department | Job Title | Duration |
專任 | 傳播學系 | 副教授 | 2022.08 ~ 2026.07 | |
專任 | 傳播學系 | 助理教授 | 2020.08 ~ 2022.07 | |
專任 | 傳播學系 | 助理教授 | 2018.08 ~ 2020.07 | |
專任 | 傳播學系 | 助理教授 | 2017.08 ~ 2019.07 | |
專任 | 傳播學系 | 助理教授 | 2008.08 ~ 2017.07 | |
專任 | 傳播學系 | 助理教授 | 2007.08 ~ 2008.07 | |
僑務委員會 | 科員 | 1996.12 ~ 1999.07 |
Year | Project Title |
2024 | 影音中介傳播與多模態運用─以視訊教學為研究範圍 |